Condition | Lap | Driver | Time Into Race | Report |
 | | | 01m18.021s | START OF RACE |
| 1 | | 01m22.784s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 2 | | 01m59.148s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 3 | | 02m31.307s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Crabby | 02m31.776s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Jim Heckman, Bob Dillon |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 02m31.793s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing Kevin McQueen, Bob Dillon |
| | GhostDriver | 02m31.847s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing Kevin McQueen, Bob Dillon |
| | Bob Dillon | 02m34.396s | Entered Pit Road |
| 4 | | 03m03.262s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Crabby | 03m03.534s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 03m03.550s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th |
| | Jim Heckman | 03m03.568s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd |
| | GhostDriver | 03m03.602s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th |
| | Kevin McQueen | 03m04.554s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th |
| | Paint4life | 03m05.578s | +1 pos from 8th to 7th |
| | Bob Dillon | 03m10.360s | Official retirement reason is: Retired (Out of Race) |
| 5 | | 03m35.284s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
 | | | 04m07.000s | CAUTION |
| 6 | | 04m07.320s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 7 | | 04m39.543s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 04m39.787s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Crabby |
| | Jim Heckman | 04m39.806s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd passing Crabby |
| | GhostDriver | 04m40.985s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Crabby |
| | Jim Heckman | 05m36.079s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 05m37.054s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Crabby | 05m38.144s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Kevin McQueen | 05m40.920s | Entered Pit Road |
| 8 | | 05m42.442s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | paint4life | 05m43.106s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Kevin McQueen | 05m56.093s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th |
| | Paint4life | 05m56.111s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th |
| | Crabby | 07m19.522s | Entered Pit Road |
| 9 | | 07m24.102s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | GhostDriver | 07m24.246s | +2 pos from 4th to 2nd passing Richard Hildebrandt, Jim Heckman |
| | Crabby | 07m29.894s | +2 pos from 7th to 5th passing Kevin McQueen, paint4life |
 | | | 08m57.000s | RESTART |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 09m01.940s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Jim Heckman |
| | Kevin McQueen | 09m01.994s | +2 pos from 6th to 4th passing Crabby, Jim Heckman |
| 10 | | 09m02.074s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Paint4life | 09m03.080s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing Crabby |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 09m36.130s | minor problems with right side bodywork. |
| 11 | | 09m38.691s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Jim Heckman | 09m38.764s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Crabby | 09m38.909s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing paint4life |
| | Jim Heckman | 09m39.690s | the car has an engine problem. |
| | | 09m39.910s | the engine problem is getting worse. |
| | | 09m39.910s | minor problems with hood bodywork. |
| | | 09m39.910s | minor problems with left front bodywork. |
| | | 09m39.910s | medium problems with left side bodywork. |
| | | 09m39.910s | minor problems with right side bodywork. |
| | Kevin McQueen | 10m10.662s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| 12 | | 10m10.939s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Crabby | 10m11.733s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th |
| | Jim Heckman | 10m41.470s | minor problems with front bodywork. |
| | | 10m41.690s | current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. |
| | | 10m43.050s | Entered Pit Road |
| 13 | | 10m43.085s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Crabby | 10m44.457s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| | Paint4life | 10m44.493s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th |
| 14 | | 11m15.084s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Jim Heckman | 11m45.470s | the engine problem is being worked on in the pits. |
| | | 11m45.470s | front bodywork damage is being repaired. |
| | | 11m45.470s | hood bodywork damage is being repaired. |
| | | 11m45.470s | left front bodywork damage is being repaired. |
| | | 11m45.470s | left side bodywork damage is being repaired. |
| 15 | | 11m47.067s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Crabby | 11m48.020s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Kevin McQueen |
| 16 | | 12m19.070s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Crabby | 12m19.905s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd passing GhostDriver |
| 17 | | 12m51.006s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 12m51.449s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing GhostDriver |
| | Kevin McQueen | 12m51.547s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing GhostDriver |
| 18 | | 13m22.919s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 13m23.365s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Kevin McQueen |
| 19 | | 13m54.751s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | GhostDriver | 13m55.122s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Kevin McQueen |
| 20 | | 14m26.588s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 21 | | 14m58.219s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 22 | | 15m29.964s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 23 | | 16m01.699s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 24 | | 16m33.638s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Jim Heckman | 16m53.470s | minor problems with front bodywork. |
| | | 16m53.470s | minor problems with hood bodywork. |
| | | 16m53.690s | current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. |
| | | 16m59.240s | Official retirement reason is: Retired (Out of Race) |
| 25 | | 17m05.574s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 26 | | 17m37.394s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
 | | | 17m49.000s | END OF STAGE |
| 27 | | 18m10.824s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | yar64 | 19m07.384s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Crabby | 19m07.841s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 19m08.623s | Entered Pit Road |
| | GhostDriver | 19m09.722s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Kevin McQueen | 19m10.518s | Entered Pit Road |
| | paint4life | 19m12.884s | Entered Pit Road |
| 28 | | 19m17.073s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 29 | | 20m55.402s | Begin Lap - Leader:Crabby |
 | | | 22m28.000s | RESTART |
| | Crabby | 22m32.510s | +1 pos from 2nd to 1st passing yar64 (New Leader) |
| | GhostDriver | 22m32.565s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| 30 | | 22m32.818s | Begin Lap - Leader:Crabby |
| 31 | | 23m09.444s | Begin Lap - Leader:Crabby |
| 32 | | 23m41.778s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Kevin McQueen | 23m41.803s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 24m13.473s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Kevin McQueen |
| | yar64 | 24m13.490s | +1 pos from 2nd to 1st passing Crabby (New Leader) |
| 33 | | 24m13.777s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 34 | | 24m45.595s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 35 | | 25m17.534s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 36 | | 25m49.439s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 37 | | 26m21.379s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 38 | | 26m53.230s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 39 | | 27m24.962s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 40 | | 27m56.737s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 41 | | 28m28.492s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
 | | | 28m43.000s | CAUTION |
| | GhostDriver | 28m43.470s | minor problems with right side bodywork. |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 28m45.240s | minor problems with left side bodywork. |
| | GhostDriver | 28m46.360s | minor problems with front bodywork. |
| 42 | | 29m00.397s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Crabby | 29m57.030s | Entered Pit Road |
| | paint4life | 29m58.596s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 29m59.828s | Entered Pit Road |
| | GhostDriver | 30m00.616s | Entered Pit Road |
| 43 | | 30m04.621s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Kevin McQueen | 30m04.870s | +2 pos from 5th to 3rd |
| | Paint4life | 30m08.035s | +2 pos from 6th to 4th |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 30m10.124s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th |
| | GhostDriver | 30m36.800s | front bodywork damage is being repaired. |
| 44 | | 31m46.029s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Kevin McQueen | 31m47.234s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd passing Crabby |
| | GhostDriver | 31m49.433s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing Richard Hildebrandt |
 | | | 33m18.000s | RESTART |
| 45 | | 33m22.885s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 33m23.944s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing GhostDriver |
| 46 | | 33m59.271s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 47 | | 34m31.317s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 48 | | 35m03.251s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 49 | | 35m35.086s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
| 50 | | 36m06.968s | Begin Lap - Leader:yar64 |
 | | | 36m38.719s | END OF RACE |