Condition | Lap | Driver | Time Into Race | Report |
 | | | 01m58.021s | START OF RACE |
| 1 | | 02m02.934s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 2 | | 02m28.408s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 3 | | 02m51.273s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 4 | | 03m13.821s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Troy Donahue | 03m16.229s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing Charlie Trusty |
| | David Vodicka | 03m17.181s | +1 pos from 8th to 7th passing Kevin McQueen |
| 5 | | 03m36.733s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Paint4life | 03m37.607s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| | Gary Moran | 03m38.687s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| 6 | | 03m59.317s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 7 | | 04m21.830s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | David Vodicka | 04m25.873s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing Charlie Trusty |
| 8 | | 04m44.402s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 9 | | 05m06.955s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 10 | | 05m29.564s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 11 | | 05m52.070s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Troy Donahue | 05m56.065s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| 12 | | 06m14.655s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Charlie Trusty | 06m23.610s | minor problems with right side bodywork. |
| | Kevin McQueen | 06m24.873s | +1 pos from 8th to 7th passing Charlie Trusty |
| 13 | | 06m37.242s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 14 | | 06m59.884s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 15 | | 07m22.602s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 16 | | 07m45.245s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Gary Moran | 07m47.778s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd passing paint4life |
| 17 | | 08m07.973s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | David Vodicka | 08m14.391s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| 18 | | 08m30.828s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 19 | | 08m53.681s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 20 | | 09m16.996s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | David Vodicka | 09m26.217s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Troy Donahue |
| 21 | | 09m40.721s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 22 | | 10m03.879s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Charlie Trusty | 10m09.263s | Entered Pit Road |
| 23 | | 10m27.070s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Troy Donahue | 10m46.720s | minor problems with right side bodywork. |
| | Charlie Trusty | 10m48.940s | right side bodywork damage is being repaired. |
| | Kevin McQueen | 10m50.720s | severe problems with left side bodywork. |
| 24 | | 10m51.127s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 25 | | 11m15.037s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 11m24.152s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing Troy Donahue |
| | Charlie Trusty | 11m32.258s | Entered Pit Road |
| 26 | | 11m38.543s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 27 | | 12m01.718s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 28 | | 12m25.500s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 29 | | 12m49.318s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Gary Moran | 12m49.830s | minor problems with right side bodywork. |
| | Charlie Trusty | 13m07.160s | Official retirement reason is: Retired (Out of Race) |
| 30 | | 13m13.146s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 31 | | 13m36.827s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
 | | | 13m51.000s | END OF STAGE |
 | | Kevin McQueen | 13m54.207s | Lucky Dog |
| 32 | | 14m02.456s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Todd Wilson | 14m53.017s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Gary Moran | 14m54.114s | Entered Pit Road |
| | paint4life | 14m55.077s | Entered Pit Road |
| | David Vodicka | 14m55.883s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 14m56.832s | Entered Pit Road |
| 33 | | 15m05.138s | Begin Lap - Leader:Troy Donahue |
| | Troy Donahue | 16m21.541s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Kevin McQueen | 16m22.671s | Entered Pit Road |
| | David Vodicka | 16m24.972s | Entered Pit Road |
| 34 | | 16m32.875s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Troy Donahue | 16m39.949s | +5 pos from 6th to 1st passing Todd Wilson, paint4life, Gary Moran, Richard Hildebrandt, David Vodicka (New Leader) |
| | Kevin McQueen | 17m14.490s | left side bodywork damage is being repaired. |
 | | | 17m55.000s | RESTART |
| | Todd Wilson | 17m58.841s | +1 pos from 2nd to 1st passing Troy Donahue (New Leader) |
| 35 | | 17m59.035s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 17m59.927s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing David Vodicka |
| | Paint4life | 17m59.945s | +2 pos from 4th to 2nd passing Gary Moran, Troy Donahue |
| | Kevin McQueen | 18m02.057s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing David Vodicka |
| 36 | | 18m24.336s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 18m25.681s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Troy Donahue |
| | David Vodicka | 18m25.701s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing Kevin McQueen |
| 37 | | 18m46.977s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | David Vodicka | 18m49.065s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing Troy Donahue |
| 38 | | 19m09.529s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 39 | | 19m32.037s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 40 | | 19m54.491s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 41 | | 20m17.004s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | David Vodicka | 20m20.418s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| 42 | | 20m39.427s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 43 | | 21m02.010s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 44 | | 21m24.474s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Gary Moran | 21m24.921s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd passing paint4life |
| 45 | | 21m47.027s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 46 | | 22m09.530s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 47 | | 22m32.085s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 48 | | 22m54.648s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 49 | | 23m17.270s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 50 | | 23m39.947s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 51 | | 24m03.011s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 52 | | 24m25.907s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Kevin McQueen | 24m35.605s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing Troy Donahue |
| 53 | | 24m48.986s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 54 | | 25m12.210s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 55 | | 25m35.240s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 56 | | 25m58.448s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 57 | | 26m21.712s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 58 | | 26m45.350s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 59 | | 27m08.678s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 60 | | 27m32.102s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Troy Donahue | 27m48.314s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing Kevin McQueen |
| 61 | | 27m55.692s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 62 | | 28m19.335s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 63 | | 28m43.052s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Troy Donahue | 28m59.160s | medium problems with right side bodywork. |
| 64 | | 29m06.979s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 65 | | 29m30.797s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 66 | | 29m54.748s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 67 | | 30m19.172s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
 | | | 30m28.000s | END OF STAGE |
| 68 | | 30m46.258s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Todd Wilson | 31m39.963s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Gary Moran | 31m41.078s | Entered Pit Road |
| | paint4life | 31m42.030s | Entered Pit Road |
| | David Vodicka | 31m42.831s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 31m44.472s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Troy Donahue | 31m45.439s | Entered Pit Road |
| | Kevin McQueen | 31m46.783s | Entered Pit Road |
| 69 | | 31m53.756s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Troy Donahue | 32m29.830s | right side bodywork damage is being repaired. |
| 70 | | 33m20.005s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
 | | | 34m40.000s | RESTART |
| 71 | | 34m44.534s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| | Richard Hildebrandt | 34m44.694s | +2 pos from 5th to 3rd passing David Vodicka |
| | Paint4life | 34m44.713s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd |
| | Gary Moran | 34m44.733s | +1 pos from 2nd to 1st (New Leader) |
| | Kevin McQueen | 34m45.708s | +2 pos from 7th to 5th passing Troy Donahue |
| 72 | | 35m09.255s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| | Todd Wilson | 35m11.388s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing Troy Donahue |
| | David Vodicka | 35m20.940s | minor problems with right side bodywork. |
| 73 | | 35m31.866s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| | Todd Wilson | 35m33.932s | +1 pos from 6th to 5th passing Kevin McQueen |
| | Troy Donahue | 35m35.160s | medium problems with right side bodywork. |
| 74 | | 35m54.543s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| | Todd Wilson | 35m56.477s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing David Vodicka |
| | Troy Donahue | 35m59.409s | +1 pos from 7th to 6th passing Kevin McQueen |
| 75 | | 36m16.944s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| | Todd Wilson | 36m18.084s | +1 pos from 4th to 3rd passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| 76 | | 36m39.317s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| 77 | | 37m01.816s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| | Todd Wilson | 37m04.074s | +1 pos from 3rd to 2nd passing paint4life |
| 78 | | 37m24.359s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| 79 | | 37m46.939s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| 80 | | 38m09.437s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| 81 | | 38m32.098s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| 82 | | 38m54.800s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| 83 | | 39m17.649s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| | Gary Moran | 39m38.940s | current bodywork damage is getting slightly worse. |
| | | 39m39.160s | medium problems with right side bodywork. |
| 84 | | 39m40.546s | Begin Lap - Leader:Gary Moran |
| 85 | | 40m03.620s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Todd Wilson | 40m26.000s | +1 pos from 2nd to 1st passing Gary Moran (New Leader) |
| 86 | | 40m26.482s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 87 | | 40m49.287s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | David Vodicka | 40m53.757s | +1 pos from 5th to 4th passing Richard Hildebrandt |
| 88 | | 41m12.153s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 89 | | 41m35.117s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 90 | | 41m58.196s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 91 | | 42m21.285s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 92 | | 42m44.378s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 93 | | 43m07.577s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 94 | | 43m30.777s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 95 | | 43m54.258s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 96 | | 44m17.958s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 97 | | 44m41.693s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 98 | | 45m05.277s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 99 | | 45m29.173s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| 100 | | 45m53.124s | Begin Lap - Leader:Todd Wilson |
| | Gary Moran | 46m00.490s | severe problems with right side bodywork. |
| | Troy Donahue | 46m07.160s | severe problems with right side bodywork. |
 | | | 46m17.499s | END OF RACE |